Find here the answers to
your questions

For Whistleblowers

Yes, Whistleblower Partners’ reporting system is anonymous. This allows whistleblowers to report concerns or wrongdoing without fear of retaliation, creating a safer and more secure work environment.

To enable a thorough investigation, you should include a detailed description, including what happened and when and where it happened. You do not need to have proof of your suspicions, but a report must always be made in good faith. You can upload text files and images to your report. Our system removes metadata to ensure your anonymity.

Whistleblowers can report anything they suspect is a violation of the law, company policies and ethical standards.

Employees assigned to a company’s whistleblowing unit have a special duty of confidentiality regarding the information contained in reports. This confidentiality shall apply only to the information contained in the report. If a report gives rise to the opening of a case, other information gathered in the processing of the case will not be covered by the duty of confidentiality.

Yes, former employees are protected by the Directive.

The law protects the following people: workers in private and public sectors; self-employed; shareholders; non-executve members; volunteers; paid and unpaid trainees. Additionally is also protects people who are or have been working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractos and suppliers; people who are about to start a work-based relation and those who belong to administrative, management or supervisory board of the organization.

All types of information, such as a person’s name, job title, duties, information on rules that have been violated.

Yes, we have an ISAE 3000 auditor’s statement regarding our GDPR compliance, and we are ISO 27001 certified. We subject our system to regular penetration tests – “hacker tests” – and we have DPO competences in-house.

For Companies

Almost anyone with suspicion/exact knowledge that fraud or wrongdoing of some kind has been committed can be a whistleblower. It is not a requirement that you witnessed the fraud or have proof that it has taken place. Normally, a whistleblower will be an employee of the company or a public authority, but this is not a requirement.

No, we store our data in Ireland and Germany

The rules also apply to municipalities, but the directive allows an exemption for municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.

Yes. The company must provide information on the procedures for making the report in a visible place, accessible to the persons covered by the company whistleblowing scheme. Depending on circumstances, a visible place could, for example, be the company’s website. To the extent that the whistleblowing scheme is made available only to employees of the company, the intranet may also be an appropriate place.

A whistleblower system is a system which allows employees or other stakholders to raise a warning about something that may not comply with the law, organisational values or the code of conduct, and which could seriously affect an organisation’s operations and reputation. A whistleblowing scheme is complementary to regular communication channels.

The company must keep written records of the establishment and procedures of the whistleblowing system. Among other things, this means that the company must be able to demonstrate that a whistleblowing unit has been appointed, that a system has been established to which reports can be made, and that the system has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Whistleblower Partners’ system can be up and running in 2 weeks from the agreement signing. During this time, you will go be provided with a tecnical onboarding and have an online onboarding meeting with our customer consultate in your local language.

When we cancel our agreement, we delete/hand over the client data unless or untill we are required to keep it under the governing law.


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